To say the least..... It's been a while. I won't use the cliche but ever-relevent "I've been ridiculously busy" as an excuse for my absence but... I'VE BEEN TERRIBLY BUSY!
No just kidding ;). I've actually been M.I.A because my computer was "in the shop" as they say. It hasn't clocked out or anything, but I can sure tell that it was well on it's way.
Anywho, just to get you guys caught up since I've been gone for a little while, I'll start by letting y'all know what I've been up to.
1. I rushed Alpha Kappa Psi (professional business fraternity) and am officially a member! My process was somewhere around two months and wrapped about about two weeks ago. All I can really say that I feel accomplished... and am more than excited that the pledge process is over, however rewarding it was while going through.
2. I've started at 90-day body and hair health challenge! Just enough time for my bush to get bigger and my body looking and feeling better!

And I know this is probably something say all too often, but I really want a better body. Not just physically, but inside. I haven't been keeping up with my eating habits as much as I'd like, so what better way to cleanse than through exercise and a healthier diet?
3. I ran for SGA Senate at my university...... And lost. By a near-landslide, hahaha ha. There were 18 positions available and I campaigned for one of them. I'm glad that I can laugh about it now, but at the moment they revealed the names let's just say that I wasn't the happiest camper in the cabin.
All that I can really say is that, well, "ya win some, ya lose some." Not everything you do is going to be a success. On top of that, you have to realize that sometimes, there are better people for the job. Even if there aren't, which in some cases there may or may not be, just think of things as a learning experience. Plus, how do you know you're supposed to be in that position you're vying for?
The good Lord knows exactly where you're supposed to be and exactly what point you're supposed to be there. Take the lesson and move on to the next step!
4. I campaigned and was elected as the Parliamentarian of my university's chapter of NCNW! I'm excited for what this position holds and all the the friends and N-Sistas I'll gain along the way.
This academic year, with it's many highs and lows, has brought me new friends, stronger friendships, dedication, and honestly... A sense of accomplishment. I'm getting to know the things that make me happy and that's a big portion of, well, living. And I'm beginning to live quite well.