Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I Like Him, I Like Him Not

So this thought process aaaaall started a few months ago when I started talking to this guy... He's pretty nice, pretty handsome, and actually has career goals. I don't remember exactly how we met, but our happening to meet one another did have roots in social media *cough cough "twitter."
I don't know, the whole "dating/talking" thing really just made me start to ponder...

Since I'm a college sophomore and haven't dated anyone since well, high school, I think it's important to talk about "feelings" and all that jazz... Ugh. That word makes me roll my eyes. Anywho.

In high school, love/like was intense. It was passionate. It was emotional... It was something my Family Studies professor would call "Romantic Love," according to some old theorist whose name I absolutely cannot remember. Now I'm not saying these intense, immature feelings don't exist in college, but I am saying that from what I've seen, they're way less common.

What I'm trying to get at are, well, feelings. How do you know when you like someone? How do you know if you are compatible with someone you're pursuing/ dating? Do you really have time for a significant other? Well, I hope this helps you find out.

Question Number 1: How do you know when you like someone?
I think the answer to this isn't as complicated or as intricate as some people (including myself) would like to think. "Like," in my opinion is another way to say that you're interested in someone. Whether you spot someone in a crowded room and start seeing one another casually from there -or- you have a friend you've known for years and you guys click so well that you actually want to see if it could be something more, that's "like."

It's that "ooh, you are attractive and could SO be mine if you play your cards right 'wink face'" phase. It's intrigue. It's where curiosity and attraction meet.

Liking someone can always be more or less intense based on how long you've known them, natural chemistry, attraction, and all sorts of other factors. From my understanding, you know you like someone when you... just know. Now whether that like, that intrigue, that attraction to someone is hollow or a little more on the deep side is up to you and, if you're lucky, the two of you.

Question Number 2: How do you know if you guys are compatible?

I'd venture to say that compatibility is deeper than you being a Gemini and the guy/lady you like being a Capricorn. It's more than just physical attraction... It's the chemistry part of you two's relationship (Yes... I did just say "you two's").

I think it also has plenty to do with personality types and how well Person A and Person B mesh...
Do you get annoyed at how many questions he asks? Does he get bored because you are a homebody and he enjoys going out?

Of course these questions are a bit on the superficial side, but they're just examples of things that could lead you to understanding how compatible you are with someone. Basically, you have to ask yourself a few things: 1. What do you want out of the interaction? Friends with benefits, a lifelong partner, a great friend? How well do your morals & values mesh with that of the other person?

If you're dead set on saving your virginity for marriage and the person you've been dating isn't okay with that, then you two probably aren't compatible, for example.

Question Number 3: Do you really have time for a significant other...? Heck, do you even have time for an "other" period?

Well, this is totally dependent on your schedule, that of the other person's and how much time you two really want to spend with one another. I don't think a relationship (of any kind) has to consume all of your time and energy, but heck that's just my opinion. You just have to figure out what it is you want out of the relationship, and again, see how well it matches with that of the other person.

I'm a busy college student and so is the person I'm dating. But if we're both okay with the amount of time we spend with one another, lets say 2 hours a week for the purpose of this post, then that's part of having enough time for a significant other... Or, well, any kind of "other." It all has to do with how comfortable you are with being around that certain someone and for how long. Just be realistic with yourself first.

If you know you want a friend and the benefits he or she has to offer, then start from there. Be honest with yourself first, the other person second, and move on from there... Or not, haha ha. It's whatever you decide!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Well, hello there!

Hi, everyone! I'm fairly new to the blogging world (I'd like to call myself an intermediate beginner) and my name is Teisa! I'm excited to be here and sincerely hope all of you viewers find Golden Grindstone as cool as I do! After all, I'd hope that my day-to-dayness is interesting to someone besides myself, aha haha. Basically, thanks for joining me as I document my journey... And maybe that of a few friends along the way :)